A large part of being a good leader or communicator is the individual spirit/character created within by good words well defined and established in the mind as part of  GOOD CHARACTER

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This is not a flashy webpage with eye catching graphics, just words that have been defined well. 
If you have differing definitions, the dictionary may help with that. 

There are no threats here.  This site is a place to hopefully pick up on a thought for inspiration in another conversation. 

Current Commentary

Climate Change
Here is a theory that I have never heard generally discussed much among many scientists or anyone else today.
 [ Milankovitch Cycles ]

The Milankovitch Cycles theory of Milutin Milankovitch can be found on the internet.  You can find information on the theories that have been presented, proven as viable via ocean bottom core samples to explain the Ice Ages.  Generally, there has been four major periods of glaciations over the last 400,000 years.  When I was in high school in the 50's, I found a source for the papers on these cycles.  I read, studied, and remember talking to others about this.  Milutin Milankovitch passed away in 1958 in Belgrade. 

Thirty million years ago, our earth had no ice.  Two and a half million years ago the Pleistocene Ice Age began an ice age and is still with us today because there is still ice on our earth.  Milankovitch's math has aligned with actual Ice Ages that have occurred.  I will not try to explain the formulas here as I just want to present the theory.  It will be up to everyone to consider this enough to realize that we as the human race may not be able to control climate changes.  Politician scientists now urge certain requirements or specific steps to stop this recent emergency anomaly of a warming earth. 

There is, according the the theory, a wobble in the earth as it daily rotates around its rotational axis, 24 hours a day.  This slow wobble has a 23,000 year cycle.  Also, there is predictable earth tilt changes in the daily rotation besides the wobble at a 41,000 year cycle.  There is predictable orbital changes from round orbit to elliptical orbit in 100,000 year cycles.  Math formula describes each of these phenomena.  The combined cyclical changes probably has more effect in climate changes than current "increasing gases" thinking dictates.  A dictator kind of thinking does not really prove much.  Science continues to change when we discover new data.  The only data on glaciations was done because of Milankovitch in his theory.  The data aligns with his calculations and with the timing of the ice ages that have occurred. 

We need to adjust our lives accordingly to survive earths changes.  There has been an evolution (Darwin)  as life must always adjust to the environment.  It seems there may be some truth to Carbon Dioxide and other gases having some affects in changes of climate.  The idea that we have much that we can do to change anomalies in planet orbits, regular rotational axis changes, and rotational planet wobble anomalies, other planet gravity effects throughout the solar system, is fantasy.  These changes occur in varying lengths of time from 21,000 years to 400,000 years.  Most of climate changes over millions of years have had nothing to do with what humans do.  In millions of years of planet earths existence, most change has been made by forces that can be explained by the natural planetary cycling of forces over which we humans have absolutely no control.  Physics may explain all these complicated forces, but the Physics Calculations are hard to understand without extensive study. 

There may be other theories that could help us decide how we might affect some kind of change or to give us solutions for any of our problems.  Many times we simply blame someone else.  We often make changes based on false assumptions.  We could blame the Martians if need be.  We can find another problem and then place blame on that.  We humans make assumptions daily, but assumptions are often merely whimsical thought that has no connection to being a solution to anything in reality.   We, and I include myself, think we are scientific in our thinking, but most often, we are not the scientists we think we are.  We are just attempting to find reasons and solutions in a common way.  When there is no real scientific plan go by, it is hard to make any credible conclusions or any further strategic plans that might work.  I am open to further credible suggestions...

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Scientifically determine the age of the Universe.  Look at the oldest stars, rate of expansion, extrapolating back to (the latest theory) The Big Bang -

[Metaphor:  detectives tracing the origin of a bullet by trajectory calculations, etc.]


Universe                      13.8     Billion years old

Galaxy is                      13.51               “         

Solar System:               4.571               “

            Mercury          4.503               “

            Jupiter             4.503               “

            Venus              4.503               “         

            Mars                4.603               “

            Moon               4.530               “

            Solar System    4.571               “

            Earth               4.543               “

                (30 Million Years ago, Earth had no ice!)

Humans on Earth

Very Early Human Ancestors_______            6                      Million years

Humans as we know ____________ 200,000           Years

Climate changes ________________ 400,000           Years   (as with ice ages along with the obvious global warming)


(4 major glaciation periods/Ice ages) (Extreme coverage of ice on the earth)

(Weather and/or past temperatures) (indirect methods, like sediment deposits)

            [glaciation periods are often referred to as ice ages]

Past ice age, glaciation periods been scientifically determined each 100,000 year.  The last 400,000 years

have indicated four glaciation periods, proven by sediment study indications.  Milutin Milankovitch, mathematician, determined that his mathematical calculations are correct in accordance with these sediment studies. 

                                          (71-75 years - average)

A person lives at best, for 100 years, about .02% of 100,000 years, so there can be no collaboration or witness to this climate change.  Blame for climate change has not been identified properly, because the climate keeps changing each 100,000 years.  Carbon from mankind activities has had, obviously, nominal scientific affect as climate was changing for 200,000 years before mankind like us existed.  There was still global warming each 100,000 years…


The Milutin Milankovitch theory of Elliptical Earth Orbital change around Sun “Eccentricity” calculations co-inside with each 100,000-year ice age.  Climate changes have occurred at least four times in the last 400,000 years.  Humans as we know todays humans to be, have been around for only 200,000 years.  Humans have been through two Ice Ages, and 2 global warmings, in the past 200,000 years.


Other two parts of his theory designates other anomalies in the earth’s axis

1. Attitude toward the sun) regular AXIAL TILT abnormal changes and

2. PRECESSION (axial wobble in rotation anomalies) (like a top losing centrifugal spin, wobbles)


In other words:

(abnormal tilt)                         “Axial Tilt”,     periodicity, 41,000 years        .41 of 100,000 yrs.

(slow abnormal wobble)         “Precession”,  periodicity, 23,000 years        .23 of 100,000 yrs.

The overlap is obvious.  (gives rise to further anomalies attributable to the irrational numbers involved) 

Variations within each 100,000 years can also vary somewhat by the abnormal effects of the Axial Tilt and Precession creating further anomalies over time causing certain changes themselves.  A scientific assumption dictates that any 100,000 year cycle may be a little different from others …




(words describe orbiting phenomenon that occurs in space of larger bodies that dominate movement of other bodies in space)

(thus, the pulling of all movement of most bodies into orbit around the dominate gravities) (exceptions involve extreme higher speeds occurring in space)


Any orbit has two main relative extreme points,

Apside, Apsides, Apsidal  (farther away)

APOAPSIS – ANY BODY IN ORBIT PASSING FARTHEST AWAY FROM THE ORBITED BODY    (The Larger Body that has captured a smaller body by its superior gravitation)

PERIAPSIS – ANY BODY IN ORBIT PASSING CLOSER TO THAT ORBITED BODY          (The Larger Body that has captured a smaller body by its superior gravitation)


APOGEE – FARTHER IN ORBIT FROM EARTH                  (Gee or Geo - Earth)

PERIGEE – CLOSER IN ORBIT TO EARTH                          (Gee or Geo - Earth)










Current Climate/Weather

Changes in weather happens everyday...  Weather Rocks are handy.  Computer predictions work, sometimes...  Climate changes throughout the year...  Changes a little throughout 100,000 year periods

Current Events

If you can figure out what is legitimate, not fake, then events and news can be interesting and useful, at times...


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